Prayas IAS Study Circle

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Lok Seva aur Sushasan ka Chehara


Administrative thinker Donham has said that “If our tradition is destroyed then it will be the reason for the administration.”

Clearly, in the light of the above statement, it is easy to understand how important happiness is for people’s empowerment in a democracy. Public administration is such a necessity in the presence of which it is easy to include the Philippines and independence and every year lakhs of youth of the country keep trying to crack the civil service examination with the desire to become an administrator. Civil Services Examination is like a marathon race in which everyone’s aim is to win only and only, but this examination in which lakhs of youth compete is limited to the selection of hundreds. In a large and diverse society like India, equitable distribution is the basic mantra for everyone’s prosperity. Here, Gandhiji’s saying comes to my mind which makes it easy to understand the important context of restraint, balance and diabetes. In the words of Gandhi, “I give you a lesson. Whenever you doubt yourself or the master ego begins to dominate, adopt this abduction – remember the face of the poorest and driest man you have seen and ask your heart to guide the steps you take. Considering he will be very useful to that man.” If we analyze the Civil Services Examination syllabus, then the variations achieved in the main examination in the year 2013 appear to be much closer to life in terms of scientificity and meaningfulness, both in terms of attractiveness and internality. Inclusion of traditional subjects like history, geography, industry, science and technology and polity etc. is becoming easier in every era. Along with the major changes that have taken place in the syllabus of Civil Services Examination in the last one decade, the parameters of good governance along with inclusive and sustainable development have also been given excellent design. While the first question paper of General Studies covers Indian society, the second question paper covers social justice and governance in detail in a new approach and format. While there are concerns about equality, freedom, empowerment and giving new power to a particular class, the documents related to hunger and poverty give birth to a new inspiration for the young generation under the decade old context of social justice.

   Rights and responsibilities are two aspects of any service. This principle is more prevalent in Civil Services and Provincial Civil Services than anywhere else. Civil servants are the basis of administration, they are burdened with many important principles, at the same time their work gets inspiration from the society and disagreements remain due to self-respect. There were several important factors behind the changes in the syllabus of the Civil Services Examination, many of which were revised to strengthen the global context. If seen from the point of view of conduct and attitude, then this examination has its own form and the person selected in it is expected to make the face of the country developmentally, but corruption is such a system of war due to which this service gets trapped in it as well. It has happened. In the year 2022, Rs 20 crore was recovered from the residence of Jharkhand cadre. It is also written in the data that the Indian Administrative Service includes many services, many officers are more or less engineering from top to bottom in terms of bribery and chocolate. India ranked 85th with a score of 40 in 2022, ahead of its counterparts in many countries across the world including Suriname, Guyana, Mandi, while Denmark, Finland, New Zealand and Norway are already ranked fourth. Statistics also show that India was ranked 85th in terms of corruption in 2021, whereas in 2020 the same figure was at 86th position. The fourth question paper of General Studies, the syllabus contained in the Civil Services Examination, which is labeled with Ethics, here shows the inclusion of the mindset of globalization and the concept of being a graduate officer from the discipline and social point of view. If the individual is generous, has good conduct, has a disciplined stream of knowledge and respects freedom and inequality, then being a civil servant is sure to bring significant benefits to the society and the country. It is with such a desire that this question paper can be seen containing, where there is a complete account of mystery, truthfulness and mentality and attitude. If a human being is compassionate by nature, the nature of punishment deteriorates and if a human being as an administrator is extremely harsh and beyond sympathy, then both development and social balance can emerge. This question compels the friendly thinkers of East and West to study, including sympathy, feeling of kindness, emotional excellence, truthfulness in praise, which develops a positive vision from every challenge and not just from the vision of competition. More importance is given to the social role of a civil servant and his administrative role as a civil servant than anywhere else.

   The Nolan Committee also gave seven principles of public life. Which includes selflessness, integrity, impartiality, partiality, openness, reliability and leadership. Good governance is synonymous with public empowerment which includes open vision and socio-economic development along with public welfare, sensitive governance and transparent system. It suggests inclusive agency, gives importance to sustainable development and establishes good living of the people. If the entire course of Civil Services Examination and the entire structure of Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie is understood, then the search for a good administrator is great in every aspect. Foundation Course, Professional Training, Training Compliance leads to a structurally sound preparation. Get a chance to understand the diversity of the country. The viewpoint of Bharat Darshan is included in it. It is also full of references to Mission Karmayogi. It is a comprehensive reform of capacity building mechanisms at individual, institutional and process levels for efficient public service delivery. If seen, Civil Services is an examination with such a concept followed by training which is very important from policy formulation to policy implementation. The World Bank has found in its study that wherever the civil service was strengthened by political leadership, almost every case of change was led by a civil servant. During the discussion about All India Services in the Constituent Assembly of India, Sardar Patel had said that “There is no alternative to the administrative system. The Sangh will go away. If you do not have such a good All India Service which has the freedom to give its opinion, which has the confidence that you will support it in its work, then you cannot create a united India. If you cannot adopt this system then do not follow the existing constitution and make some other arrangement instead. These are people’s tools and if they are removed, I do not see anything except a situation of chaos in the country. It is also clear that the youth have to pay the same price to reach the selection as is the administrative service in the country. It falls. Youth has to be wasted, one has to work day and night and along with studies, maintaining the habits of a good person is also a part of it and in doing so, the syllabus contained in the Civil Services Examination proves to be effective, which is also a good capability for India from the governance point of view. The one who works as a public servant.

   During the British period, the trend of administrative service (bureaucracy) seemed to be beyond public welfare from the Indian point of view. Max Weber had revealed in his book Socio-Economic Administration that bureaucracy is a system related to establishing dominance, whereas other thinkers have been of the opinion that it is an organization with a spirit of service. If we turn the pages of history, it is clear that the present All India Services i.e. IAS and IPS are the contribution of Sardar Patel which originated in 1946 whereas IFS was developed in 1966. In proportion to time, period and circumstances, such services filled with bureaucracy have currently been transformed into civil servants. This steel service of the British era has now adopted a plastic frame. It has become flexible towards the public and accountable to the policies of the government, but its reality is beyond this. The government wants to come out of the illusion of old India and bring about the revolution of New India, which is not completely possible without changing the mindset of public servants. The Prime Minister seems to be making efforts for the last few years to teach the lessons of morality to public servants. To some extent, it can be said that the government has taken big and tough steps against corrupt officials, but to achieve complete social change, a lot of changes will have to be made in the administration. At present, in January 2022, the government had proposed to amend the IAS Cadre Rules 1954. If seen, red beacon is missing in the country since May 1, 2017. In the chapter on reforms in public service in NITI Aayog’s landmark report of 2018, in Strategy Report for New India at the Rate 75, there is a need to evaluate the performance including recruitment and training of public servants to deliver public services more effectively and efficiently. Emphasis was laid on setting up reform mechanisms to make it easier to achieve the development envisioned and referenced for New India.

   Let us tell here that from September 2, 2020, an announcement appears under the Mission Karmayogi program to develop creative, creative, imaginative, innovative, progressive and active and professionally capable public servants. The National Civil Service Capacity Building Program has been designed in such a way that it remains within the ambit of Indian culture and sensibilities as well as draws on learning resources from best practices and institutions from around the world. The government is working to instill new enthusiasm among the citizens by showing the dream of New India and the government also aspires to have a 5 trillion dollar economy by 2024, but this is possible only when an excellent and big surgery is done in the public service where corruption is controlled. There should be complete control and the development due to the people should be delivered to them. This is possible only through a major structural reform. Obviously, the ambition of New India which has taken a new flight can be implemented on the ground only through a new public service.

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